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The First Digital Research Infrastructure on European Integration: by

The CVCE by, former CVCE (Centre Virtuel de la Conaissance sur l'Europe), provides collections of thematic publications and an oral history programme — which includes nearly 100 interviews with eminent European figures. Since the CVCE was set up, it has successfully risen to the challenge of developing an innovative approach to European integration studies. By combining digital technologies with research in social sciences and humanities, the CVCE has created the first digital research infrastructure on European integration (, which has gained a strong international following, with two million documents consulted each year: 

Access to the digital toolbox can be gained after registration.

Background Information on European Council Meetings

  • At Peter Ludlow has for 14 years published electronic publications on every meeting of the European Council and the Euro Council. The publications comprise pre-summit briefings, preliminary evaluations, quarterly commentaries and occasional essays. 
  • At Janis Emmanouidilis publishes post-summit analyses

  • For each of the European Council’s meetings a webpage informs about its agenda, background briefings and further information on topics that will be discussed. After the meeting the respective Council Conclusions and a press statement will be added, see:

European Council Bibliography and Library

  • The Council of the European Union runs a bibliography containing a collection of literature concerning the European Council, the Council of the European Union and the Council General Secretariat. It aims at providing ‘a picture of how these institutions have been studied during the last 50 years’:
  • Moreover the the European Council and the Council run a library which can also be accessed by students and researchers upon request. The library team can prepare lists of references related to their field of interest, if it matches one of the specialised areas of the Council library collection:
  • The EU bookshop provides free access to pdf publications dating back to 1952. It contains more than 100,000 titles and 190,000 corresponding electronic versions (PDFs, e books, CD ROMs, DVDs, etc.) in more than 50 languages.
    To obtain a hardcopy of certain titles, you may have to pay a small fee.

More sources

  • Vote Watch is a Brussels based non-governmental organization providing easy access to data and cutting edge analysis of the votes and other activities of the European Parliament (EP) and the EU Council of Ministers (Council). As regards the European Council it can inter alia be used for analyzing the Council’s and the European Parliament’s votes which are related to decisions or activities of the European Council. See: